For Dahlia's birthday, she usually got something special. The Selwyn's always gave their children the things they believe represented the best of the best, symbolic style and high fashion. Expensive & high-magic; status symbols. That was their view and most likely her brothers' impression. For both of their final birthdays at home they had received hand crafted brooms by one of the last true master's of the art. Even she was impressed at how the brooms had matched her brothers in all moves, thought controlled practically, moving through the air like living things!
Bardwaulf had used his quite a lot and Colis got his last year, a marvelous thing to watch! Both gifts were because of their heir status, the male bloodlines that they would be for the future of the family bloodline. She had known she would get nothing so useful, nothing so...
phallic. No, she was a bond to be given to another family, combining blood lines into another family's future not her own. She was to merge and lose her identity to another and whatever she had down to even her underwear would be his. That was what she hated the most of this whole situation, her loss of self.
Who cared about possessions against that?
The dinner beforehand had several delicacies in it, things most wizards would not consider paying for often. Tonight her family celebrated, even her brothers there, Baardwaulf with his wife & newest child. In particular she had noticed Felicity's eyes, how unemotional they were till turned on her child, quietly observing all these new creatures around him. That was what awaited her, giving her life up to her children letting them suck her dry. Something she did not want to do, but saw no way of avoiding either. Afterwards (this was a private celebration, not even her cousins here or other Selwyns) the family stayed in the family room and spoke softly as her father led her into his den.
On a table arranged sat something long under a silken cloth.
Without a word he walked around behind it and took the edge of the cloth up. What would it be? A pretty box done up with ribbon? Sewing kit? It was some length so it was an odd shape to her imagination. She somehow found the idea of it being anything owl related impossible; they would scarcely want to give her wings even symbolically. It would be something to keep her in place, to make her stay to the traditional. Her family's minds were still rooted in the past, not the future though she had tried to talk to her mother about it, there was no way to get through. And wasn't that the kicker? Her mother, going along with this remembering her own purchase and selling? Her own loss of face? That was the hardest slap in the face of all!
He pulled back the cloth with a brisk whipping away, like some muggle conjurer distracting his audience. A long
red box. She saw the Louis Vuitton distinctive design, a designer as sought after in the muggle world as hers since they had long ago crossed over to sell in both. One of the very few companies to dominate a field of consumerism on multiple plains of existence, she knew this was something...unusual.
"I know you would have preferred blue, but this was too special to come multiples ways," her father told her, sure of his command of the situation
"It's the new Supreme Malle Courrier Trunk and only five were made! None of the people who bought them have children at Hogwarts, I checked. Now pay close attention."Trunk?
Putting out his hand, he waited till she gave him her wand without a word, used to being commanded this way and he tapped it on the box. In the other he had a piece of paper. Murmuring something off it, he laid her wand on it and told her
"Pick it up. Open it." Getting the idea easily enough, she picked up her wand and tapped the trunk as she commanded
"Alohomora" and the trunk lid popped open and hung there, letting her look into a space with four
pillows in it stuffed against each other. The surprise interior caused her to look back at her father who smirked. He always had enjoyed the use of power over his household.
"Tap it twice" he did it so as she watched
"and then command it to expand."She lifted her wand...